The Uncomfortable Feeling of Asking for Help.

After much consideration and counsel, I have recognized the need for funding to become your next representative of District 90.

I have already stated that I cannot stand the political status quo. I hate what it has become, and I think it's worthless to spend your hard earned money on a bunch of signs or posters that will be thrown away in 6 months. Therefore, you probably will not see any giant posters or signs with my face on them. I will host many events to meet. Hopefully, we can share a meal together and discuss issues that are important to you. I have also created this website to help you know who I am and where I stand. Ultimately, the most powerful thing you can do is spread the word to others.

That being said, I am on a shoestring budget with this campaign. There are venues, events, and trips that need to be paid for to be successful. If you feel compelled to help, know that your money will not be wasted and that it will be used to fuel this mission to protect our state and nation from the tyranny that is spreading throughout our country.