How does the legislative process actually work in Montana? Look at the chart below.

It starts by being introduced in either house, then moves through a committee process, then is voted on by the entire house, then it is run through the same process in the other house of congress. If it makes it through all of that, the Governor then can sign it into law or veto it.

Any candidate that tells you that they will implement their policy or their plan is leaving out the fact that in Montana, there are 100 representatives and 50 senators who get a say on that plan or policy. Sure, candidates can have ideas, but the legislative process is complicated and many proposed bills die in committee.

I want to be honest with voters. The promises I have made to you are: I will fight against any form of tyranny. I will fight against fraud, waste and abuse of taxpayer money. I will tell anyone who wants to know, what really goes on in Helena, and I will do my damnedest to preserve what our nation was founded upon. These promises are of character and principle because I understand and know how the legislative process works. I understand that I could have the best ideas for bills, but there are 149 other members of congress who get a say or vote on that bill. It is dishonest and disingenuous to tell you the votes that “I will do this, or I will get this passed.” That does not mean I will not try to pass legislation to lower our taxes, to protect our people’s rights, or to open up Montana’s incredible resources to the market in a way that provides stable jobs and a better quality of life. But, as I have said, there is a process with 149 other voices and opinions in the mix.

Please reach out to me if you would like to discuss this or any other issues I have brought up. I would love to hear from you because it is about we the people, not some elites in government.

Running for Montana House District 90,

Jeff Stanek